Reason #2 Kelle Must Be Removed – Gross Negligence and Incompetence

Reason #2: Gross Negligence in Ensuring a Safe and Secure Environment

When it comes to leadership, negligence can be just as damaging as malice. Unfortunately, Kelle’s handling of the road washout and subsequent FEMA involvement has demonstrated a worrying level of incompetence that places our entire community at risk.

Four Months, Two Bids, Zero Progress

Four months after the road washout, Kelle had managed to secure only two bids—one of which offered the stunningly vague solution of “fix the road” for a whopping $100,000. A figure like that, with no detail or clarity, would make any responsible person think twice, but not Kelle. Instead of liaising with local agencies that could provide assistance, she seemed content with this lackluster effort, leaving our community stranded and frustrated.

Misunderstanding FEMA and Misleading the Community

Kelle’s understanding of FEMA’s role in disaster recovery was not just flawed—it was dangerous. Encouraging property owners to file FEMA claims and then pushing them to deposit their funds into the association’s bank accounts is a clear demonstration of her misunderstanding of the process. How was this never verified with FEMA? This kind of gross negligence in managing disaster funds is not just irresponsible—it’s potentially illegal.

To make matters worse, when questioned about FEMA’s role and the proper procedure, Kelle failed to provide answers on the community’s Facebook group, even when she was still an active member. This left property owners confused and misinformed at a critical time.

Arrogance Over Authority

Kelle also took it upon herself to override the collective wisdom of the community, stating to several individuals, “We’re just not going to go with Jerry’s proposal, too many people think it’s not safe.” Somehow the other less-detailed proposals were safer? This was never her decision to make, and her dismissal of Jerry’s well-researched and supported plan without proper consultation is yet another example of her overstepping her authority.

The Stabilized Sand Obsession

If there’s one thing Kelle seems to have become fixated on, it’s stabilized sand. One contractor sold her on the idea, and ever since, this concept has crept into every road-related conversation—even when those with actual expertise explained that stabilized sand is irrelevant to the current situation. This unhealthy obsession has caused delays and confusion, preventing the implementation of practical, effective solutions.

Incomplete and Selective Communication

In another baffling move, Kelle emailed road proposals for consideration to an incomplete list of property owners, leaving at least six people out of the discussion. This despite having access to the community’s website, which hadn’t been updated with info in months. This selective email communication, which was highlighted by Theresa Troll, further illustrates Kelle’s inability to manage the most basic aspects of her role. Effective leadership requires transparency and inclusiveness—qualities that Kelle has repeatedly failed to demonstrate.

What Was Kelle Doing Instead?

Disenfranchisng Property Owners

Between April and September, while the community was left waiting for solutions, Kelle busied herself with a series of questionable and disruptive activities. She made the unilateral decision to remove proxy votes by decree, without a board vote or transparency—an action that blatantly violated the Texas Property Owners Protection Act. She also drafted and disseminated a code of ethics to the other board members, a document that seemed more appropriate for the Fascist Dictator Association. This code was clearly designed to remove two board members who had the audacity to disagree with her, and her excuse that it was “just a draft” didn’t hold up when Phil read the email sent in the meeting. That email, sent to the two board members, stated that the document was “ready for your signature”.

Raising Funds – Where Are Those Going Now?

Moreover, Kelle worked closely with the fundraising committee, which may have violated both Federal and State law (tune in next week for the details on that one). She spent considerable time tinkering with the bylaws, not to improve them, but seemingly to tighten her control over the association.

Attempting to Censor Dissent

Kelle’s attempts to dominate communication within the community were particularly troubling. She demanded the removal of the Camp Branch Acres Residents Facebook group, insisted on taking down the YouTube audio recordings and threatened the property owner that posts those, and sought to seize control of the community website. At the last meeting, she even wanted property owners to submit their questions on paper, with the board answering them later—an obvious attempt to stifle open discussion, and tried to declare the meeting as already adjourned to prevent discussions.

In a particularly disturbing move, instead of focusing on road repairs, Kelle linked herself to illegal hackers who attacked the business websites of at least two dissenting property owners. And yes, we can confirm, this whistleblower website was also attacked during the same time frames. This underhanded tactic shows a complete disregard for ethical or legal behavior.

The Eminent Domain Debacle

Instead of focusing on repairing the road we have, Kelle took it upon herself to pursue an entirely different and costly route—literally. She spoke with the 911 center and attended the commissioner’s court to push for securing eminent domain over Hawg Heaven. Her grand plan was to seize property from Hawg Heaven to create a different road, ignoring the reality that eminent domain cases are not only expensive but can drag on for years. This misguided endeavor not only wasted time and alienated our neighboring community, but also further delayed the critical repairs our community desperately needed. Luckily Hawg Heaven did not remove permission to use the temporary road – a move they could have made and would have been justified in doing. Instead, relations with their board have suffered but remain intact – with several of their board members stating they would prefer to deal with “anybody but Kelle”.

Aligning with Special Interests: The Little Lake Issue

Kelle’s time wasn’t just spent on road mismanagement; she also devoted significant energy to aligning herself with Ben Stubbs and the Little Lake meetings. Despite being elected to represent all property owners, Kelle took a stand on the Little Lake and dam issue that directly conflicted with the interests of many in the community. Her bias became glaringly obvious when she changed her profile picture to an image of an exploited child holding up two middle fingers—an action that occurred within two hours of the Little Lake meeting held at Ben Stubbs’ property. This brazen display of contempt for those who disagreed with her position was not only unprofessional but deeply divisive.

FEMA Funds: A Missed Opportunity and a Power Grab

Perhaps most telling is what happened once control was wrested from the board by the FEMA recipients themselves—work on the road started within the week. This swift action stands in stark contrast to Kelle’s months of inaction and indecision. Her failure to provide timely information for those filing with FEMA, coupled with her decision not to apply to FEMA on behalf of the association, but instead to burden property owners while attempting to control their funds, reveals a leader more interested in power than in the welfare of the community.


We were lucky this time. The road is finally being repaired as of this past week. While it was out, we avoided tragedy—no house fire, no EMS emergency, no police action required large vehicles to enter the community. We were fortunate that no drunk driver, person with poor night vision, or otherwise impaired driver drove into the gaping hole in the road, which could have cost the property owners in the inevitable lawsuit for negligence. But we can’t count on being this lucky again. Kelle’s gross negligence in managing the road washout, FEMA involvement, and communication with property owners has not only delayed necessary repairs but has also put our community at significant risk. Her actions and inactions are clear indicators that she is unfit to serve on the board. For the safety and security of Camp Branch Acres, it’s time to remove Kelle from her position.


One response to “Reason #2 Kelle Must Be Removed – Gross Negligence and Incompetence”

  1. This is one crazy woman that needs to go

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