Who We Are: Camp Branch Acres Advocates

We are a group of property owners who have cherished Camp Branch Acres for years, witnessing the beauty and camaraderie that once defined this community. However, in recent years, we have observed a troubling shift in the character of our beloved neighborhood. What was once a close-knit community, where friends and neighbors invested in helping one another, has become a place rife with strife and drama, even in something as simple as a Facebook group.

Our purpose is clear: to shine a spotlight on the dark corners and corruptions that have crept into our community. We are deeply concerned about the moral decay that has taken root, the widespread violations of Texas law by our board of directors, the hidden numbers in our association’s accounting books, and the disenfranchisement of property owners—evident in the recent ballot where proxy votes were purposefully and unlawfully excluded.

Who Shouldn’t Be Concerned:

The good people of Camp Branch Acres—the honest, well-intentioned neighbors who care about our community—have nothing to fear. Our criticisms and satire are not aimed at those who act with integrity and good will. Instead, our focus is on those who have engaged in bullying, threats, intimidation, abuse of power, or who have simply acted in ways that undermine the fabric of our community.

Our Criticism: Two Levels

If you review our posts, you’ll notice two distinct levels of criticism.

  1. Full Criticism: This level, including satire, is reserved for those who have engaged in egregious behavior—spreading lies, abusing power, or engaging in unethical and possibly illegal acts. For example:
    • Kody: Who has his hand out in all dealings with the association—convincing the fundraising committee to pay for his websites (including his woodworking website), asking neighbors to pay him for post-hurricane tree removal, misrepresenting our association as a charity for fundraiser events, misrepresenting a fundraising event as a fire department event to Fat Daddy’s (who donated food), and lying to smear the reputations of others while portraying himself as a victim. Read more about the Tennis Ball Terrorist.
    • Kelly Feral: Who supported her son’s run for the board, despite knowing his status as a convicted felon made him ineligible to serve. She also served as treasurer until recently and is responsible for the obfuscations within the bookkeeping of the association and the related fundraising committee. She currently serves as secretary and is responsible for the lack of meeting notices, minutes, and agendas being distributed to the property owners. Discover the hidden truths in Hidden Figures.
    • Kelle R: Who has been an embarrassment to this community, trying to remove ethical hard-working board members illegally, disenfranchising the voting rights of property owners, using a picture of child exploitation in her Facebook profile, criticizing the leadership of other neighborhoods, displaying gross incompetence in handling the road, failing to follow Texas law regarding the administration of the association, and harassing public officials with requests to invoke eminent domain. She has gone to great lengths, including unethical and possibly illegal actions, to squash criticism and dissent. Uncover the details in the Hacking Story.
    • Ben: Whose interests seem misaligned with the well-being of our community. Ben spends quite a bit of time with Kelle—day and night. Are they plotting some move to saddle the association with the maintenance and upkeep of Little Lake and the dam? Dive into the controversy around the Dam.
  2. Little Pokes: These are light-hearted jabs, pointing out logical inconsistencies, controlling personalities, or tendencies to obstruct progress. These are aimed at well-intentioned individuals, with the hope that they will reflect on their actions and the roles they play in our community. Our satire here serves as a gentle nudge, rather than a harsh critique.

Transparency and Protection:

While we are committed to promoting transparency within our community, it has become increasingly clear that those in power within this association have resorted to intimidation and threats to silence dissent. To counter these oppressive tactics, we found it necessary to partner with a specialized firm based in Iceland, renowned for their expertise in protecting free speech. This firm now manages our site, publishing articles based on information we provide. Their efforts have been instrumental in shielding us from retaliation, ensuring that our voices are heard.

It is a shame that such protections against whistleblowers, once handled effectively within the United States, now require the involvement of an off-shore team that is out of reach of the U.S. legal system. This move was not taken lightly but was essential to maintain the integrity and safety of our mission.

Responsible Criticism:

In an effort to balance transparency with respect for individual privacy, we have taken care to modify names just enough so that Google searches will not bring up these criticisms. Our goal is to keep the community informed without impacting the lives of those involved outside of Camp Branch Acres. The only time real names are used is when we are posting information obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. This allows you, if you so choose, to verify the information through the same FOIA mechanisms.

Our Aim:

Our website’s mission is to highlight corruption in an entertaining way, ensuring that people are informed and engaged. We believe that by presenting these issues with a blend of seriousness and humor, we can encourage our community to pay attention and take action where needed.

What We Are Not:

We are not here to harm or criticize the well-intentioned and innocent friends and neighbors of Camp Branch Acres. Our goal is to protect the integrity of our community by exposing those who would undermine it, while fostering a sense of accountability and transparency that benefits everyone.