The Road Vote and Missing Proxy Option

(This is reposted from an informative email)

Dear Camp Branch Acres Community,

As we prepare to vote on the critical issue of funding the road repair
project, I urge everyone to consider the significant benefits of
approving this initiative and to reflect on the concerning removal of
the proxy vote option from this ballot.

Why We Must Vote Yes to Fund the Road Repair Project
Restoring Full 911 Access

Our roads are not just pathways for our vehicles; they are lifelines for
emergency services. Currently, the state of our roads has compromised
911 access, putting all community members at risk. By voting yes to fund
the road repair project, we can ensure that emergency responders have
unobstructed access to our homes, potentially saving lives in critical
situations. The safety and well-being of our families and neighbors
should be our top priority.

Urgency of the Repairs

Delaying road repairs will only exacerbate the existing problems and
increase the overall cost of the project. Each day that passes with our
roads in disrepair is another day we jeopardize our safety and the
integrity of our infrastructure. We must act now to prevent further
deterioration and to restore safe and reliable access for all.

** The Concerning Removal of Proxy Voting **
A History of Proxy Voting

In 2010, under the leadership of Ron Norris, our community passed an
amendment introducing the concept of proxy votes. Since then, proxy
voting has been included on all ballots, ensuring that every member’s
voice is heard, even if they cannot attend meetings in person. Proxy
voting has been a cornerstone of our democratic process, upholding the
principle that every vote counts.

Why Was Proxy Voting Removed?

It is troubling to see the proxy vote option removed from this crucial
ballot. The justification given for removing proxy votes is the
interpretation that it was not provided for by the 2010 amendment except
in cases of bylaw votes. This dubious interpretation was only dug up
when Kelle started losing power and needed to remove proxies in order to
keep her grip on the board and elections. This change appears to be a
strategic move, potentially aimed at consolidating power rather than
fostering fair representation. The current chairman has previously
expressed intentions to eliminate proxy voting, a move that seems to
align with efforts to shape the board into a more compliant instrument
of her will. Removing proxy votes limits participation, particularly for
those with demanding schedules or other commitments, and undermines our
democratic process.

Current Voting Mechanisms and Their Issues
In-Person Voting

While in-person voting ensures direct participation, it is not always
feasible for everyone due to various personal and professional

Email Voting

Email voting, while convenient, has significant issues. It lacks
confidentiality since the chairman can easily see who voted for what,
compromising the integrity of the process.

Snail Mail Voting

Snail mail voting is plagued by inconsistent mail delivery in our
community. Additionally, the need to mail votes in advance to ensure
they arrive on time limits the ability to vote based on the most recent
information. There are also concerns about the security of votes after
they are delivered to the association mailbox.

The Importance of Proxy Voting
Filling a Crucial Need

Proxy voting fills a crucial need in our community. When an individual
wants to ensure their vote is accurately counted, they can entrust it to
another member to cast on their behalf. This is especially important for
those who may not be able to attend meetings in person or face
challenges with email or snail mail voting.

A Testament to Trust

Proxy voting is a testament to the trust our neighbors place in each
other. When a property owner designates a proxy, it reflects their
confidence in that person to represent their interests accurately.
Proxies ensure every vote is heard and counted, maintaining the
integrity and inclusivity of our voting process.

The Chairman’s Troubling Actions
Attempted Bylaw Changes Without Member Votes

The current chairman tried to pass a ballot initiative that would allow
the board to change the bylaws as they see fit based upon their
interpretations of state law, without votes from the membership. This
alarming proposal effectively seeks to sideline the community’s voice in
significant decisions. Luckily, this ballot initiative to allow the
board to change the bylaws according to their legal interpretations
(because hey, our board is made up of lawyers) was voted down by the
board membership in June.

Combining the Road Vote with Bylaw Changes

It should be noted, and can be verified by listening to the audio of the
last meeting, that Kelle tried to combine the road vote with a
reappearance of this initiative. So, effectively, anyone voting for the
road loan would also have to give free rein to the board to change
bylaws. Nothing like having your 911 access held hostage by a power
grab. Luckily, the board was not Kelle controlled, and this idea was
shot down by more reasonable heads. You can verify this by listening to
the audio recording of the meeting at (this is a link that
is cued to Kelle attempting to combine the loan vote with authorizing
future bylaw changes without a member vote).

Call to Action
We must question and challenge the removal of proxy voting from this
ballot. By reinstating proxy voting, we can ensure that every community
member has an equal opportunity to participate in this vital decision.
The power to shape our community should remain in the hands of all
members, not just those who can attend meetings in person.

Let us unite in support of the road repair project and advocate for the
reinstatement of proxy voting. Together, we can restore full 911 access,
enhance the safety and accessibility of our roads, and protect the
integrity of our democratic processes. Please join me in voting yes for
the road repair project and in demanding transparency and fairness in
our voting procedures.

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