The Bylaws Shuffle: When Missing Pages and Missing Logic Go Hand in Hand

In the latest thrilling episode of “Bylaws Shenanigans at Camp Branch Acres,” our esteemed chairman has managed to achieve something truly remarkable: uploading a document that’s as incomplete as it is confusing. Yes, dear neighbors, the bylaws have made their grand appearance online—minus a couple of critical addendums, of course. We’re talking about the May 28, 2005, and August 24, 2021, addendums, which have mysteriously vanished like socks in a dryer.

But let’s not dwell too long on those pesky missing pages. After all, what’s the big deal? Who needs a full and accurate set of bylaws anyway? Certainly not us, the humble residents who are supposed to abide by them. And clearly not the chairman, who, despite this minor oversight, is convinced that they’ve unearthed some hidden gem in the bylaws that, wait for it, removes proxy votes from existence.

Yes, you read that right. The same folks who can’t manage to get all the pages into a simple PDF now want us to believe that they’ve expertly combed through every paragraph, sentence, and semicolon to discover an obscure rule that allegedly erased our right to vote by proxy (except in bylaw elections). Because nothing screams “competence” quite like missing chunks of crucial documentation.

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the irony here. The very people who can’t seem to keep track of the addendums they’re responsible for are now asking us to believe they’ve discovered some buried treasure in the form of a long-lost rule about proxy votes. It’s like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with half the pieces missing—and insisting you’ve got it all figured out.

So, as we gather to debate the intricacies of what’s left of our bylaws, let’s keep in mind that maybe—just maybe—the real issue isn’t whether proxy votes were removed, but whether the people making these claims can even find their way through a complete set of bylaws. Until they can get all the pages in the right order, maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to buy into the latest interpretation of what’s missing and what’s been magically discovered.

In the end, it’s not just about the missing addendums—it’s about the missing logic. If we’re supposed to believe that these bylaws contain the key to eliminating proxy votes, then I’d like to see the whole document, in its entirety, before I start buying what they’re selling.

Oh, and I have read the bylaws. Votes are by property owner, and combined lots were to be treated as 1 vote. Sort of implies that uncombined lots are 1 for each uncombined lot, even if the owner already has a vote for another lot. So, if we’re going to be parsing this language so closely, maybe we all need to have a really good look.

I’d also like to know – is this (the one Kelle uploaded to the website) the version filed with the county? Since Kelle had to go file corrections, after having to remove unauthorized changes, I would be embarrassed, if I were her, to return and file yet another correction.