Leadership: It Went From Bad to Pathetic in Camp Branch Acres

The leadership in Camp Branch Acres has hit a new low, epitomized by the actions and demeanor of Kelle Rahm, the head and chairwoman of the board of directors of the Camp Branch Acres POA. Despite the expectations that come with her position, Kelle Rahm has displayed a shocking lack of professionalism and respect for the community she represents.

As has been pointed out by members of the community on Facebook, no information has been posted on the official website of Camp Branch Acres since late April, despite floods, road washouts, and hurricanes. It is her responsibility to ensure the community receives the information it needs in a timely manner. Also, it has been months since the road was washed out. Despite this event, no progress has been made until new board members were elected. They have started to move the process along with an upcoming vote on a bank loan and have put together a road rebuild plan.

Kelle will be the first to point out that she is seeking estimates for the road project. This road washed out in April . . . at this pace we can expect the road to be completed in what, 2035?

Another prime example of her poor leadership is her Facebook profile photo, which features a small girl making an obscene gesture with both hands. She changed her profile to this picture just hours after a meeting was held on Ben Stubbs’ property for little lake, that purposely excluded other members of Camp Branch Acres. It’s astonishing that Kelle Rahm, who should be setting a positive example for the community, is using such an offensive image as her profile picture. This image is visible every time she posts on Facebook, making it clear that she either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care about the implications of her online presence. Using a small child in this manner borders on child abuse. I’m sure we all hope it’s not one of her grandchildren.

Her behavior is not just a personal embarrassment but a reflection of her leadership capabilities. It’s a disgrace that the head of the board, who interacts not only with members of the community but also with local county officials, chooses to present herself in such a manner. This kind of conduct undermines the respect and trust that are crucial for effective leadership. And it makes Camp Branch Acres look like the joke of the county. The residents who elected her to office deserve better.

Kelle Rahm’s behavior is disgusting and completely inappropriate for someone in her position. It tarnishes the reputation of the community and erodes the trust that residents and officials place in their leadership. For the sake of Camp Branch Acres and its future, Kelle Rahm should resign immediately. She has been ineffective in addressing the real and pressing issues in Camp Branch Acres. The community needs and deserves leadership that is competent, respectful, and professional. And we need it now.