Desperate Dictator: What’s Coming Next?

Attention, Camp Branch Acres residents! The battle is far from over. Our beloved leader, Kelle Mahme, is not one to surrender her iron grip on the reins of power so easily. As the self-appointed queen of “her” community, she has fought tooth and nail to keep Jerry O’Toole’s road plan from seeing the light of day. And why, you ask? Well, the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if perhaps she’s been waiting for those sweet, sweet FEMA funds to roll in so she can handpick the contractor. And hey, who knows, maybe a few kickbacks might be involved—purely speculative, of course. But, alas, we’ll never know for sure, now that the folks receiving FEMA payouts have realized they “have the power” to make decisions. They’ll hash it out in a meeting, and whatever they choose will probably get done faster than Kelle can say, “I’m this communities dictator”.

But, hold your applause, folks—this development has left Kelle Mahme enraged. I can practically hear her stomping around her living room, screeching, ‘How dare they take away my dictatorial powers!’ She’s the only one who knows what’s best for her fiefdom, er, I mean, community.

There’s no question in my mind that Kelle Mahme will go to any lengths to snatch her power back. I’ve even compiled a ‘legal’ list of what she might do next, but I’ll spare you the details—no need to give anyone ideas. However, let’s not kid ourselves; Kelle has shown a distinct preference for doing things the way any true dictator would—by any illegal means necessary.

So, my fellow residents, stay vigilant. The road might get fixed, but the war for Camp Branch Acres is far from over. The Desperate Dictator will surely rise again!